Sunday 8 May 2011

Martin Frobisher

Sir Martin Frobisher was born in 1594. He was a privateer also known as a pirate licensed by the British government. He was also an explorer,navigator, and naval officer. after many years of sailing through Northwestern Africa he decided to sail to north america where he searched for a north west passage.
During 1956 he found Baffin island which he claimed for england and found ore (Fool's gold) . He also found Revolution Island. On his third trip he sail up the Hudson straight , then set up a mining company called Cathay Company, which was a failure. Frobisher was one of the first people to explore this area of Canada, although he failed to find either a Northwest Passage or gold. In 1585, Frobisher was a vice admiral on Sir Francis Drake's expedition to the West Indies. Frobisher died on November 22, 1594, from wounds he got fighting the Spanish.

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