Monday 2 May 2011

Explorer Bio- John Franklin

John was born April 16 1786 in Spillsby Lincoinshire, England. He was a british Royal Navy Officer and a explorer. First Expedition 1819. John Franklin was chosen to lead an expedition to Hudson Bay to chart it . It was a bad expedition with losing 11 out of 20 men from starvation etc. Second Expedition 1823. He went down Mackenzie River to explore to Beaufort Sea. Also Franklin married poet Eleanor Anne Porden after returning from england and had Eleanor Isabella in 1824. Eleanor Anne Porden died of Tuberculosis in 1825, shortly after John went to his trip to Arctic as his wife persuaded to not let her illness get in the way of his travels. Franklin was knighted on April 29 1829 by George IV.  That previous November 1828 he married Jane Griffen a friend of his first wife. On January 25 1836 he was made Knight Commander Of The Royal Guelphic Order by King George IV. 1845 Northwest Passage Expedition is Sir John Franklins most famous expedition. Franklin set sail Greenhithe, England May 19 1845 with a crew of 24 officers an 110 men. After that there were many trips around to gather supplies and to reduce there ship to 129 people. From there they were last seen by europeans on July 26 1845. There ships Terror and Erebus became trapped in ice of King William Island in September 1848 and never sailed again. According to a note found later on that island Sir John Franklin died there on that island June 11th 1847, the exact location has not yet been found.  2 years later Franklin's wife had not got any word of Franklin and the following year with still no word she send out a search party offering a high award of money. Nothing was found but his searchings inspired many to go out and look for him, including 3 english men and 1 from the USA and they found the first relics of his expedition were found, including three gravesites of Franklin Expedition men.
The rest of the crew perished from starvation, hypothermia, lead poisoning, etc.

1 comment:

  1. You copied everything from wikipedia this is not original and it has nothing to do with the fur trade if your gonna do this at least do it right!
